Vei Project Improves customer Service Quality


LgWSC Managing Director Yoram Sinyangwe said this was being done under Vitens Evides International (VEI) project which is aimed at improving the quality of service provision to customers

 Mr Sinyangwe said the project was looking at capacity building for Lukanga Water and focuses on improving the knowledge and skills of LgWSC employees from the MD cascading down to the last person in the hierarchy of the company.


“This is meant to equip them with knowledge, skills and initiatives on how we can leverage on improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organisation. Since we got into this partnership there has been some improvements in certain key result areas of the organisation, notably the last sector of we recorded quite some progress this could be due to the same,” Mr Sinyangwe said.

He said that the side benefit of the project was the provision of certain equipment just to help professionals come up with more specific ways of analyzing certain problems.

“VEI is a project manager, NOFIC is funding Lukanga Water through VEI project managers,” he said.

The project comprises the buying of modern equipment and training of employees was approved in 2019.

However due to COVID-19 pandemic it was only implemented beginning in October, 2020 where a number of equipment has been procured under the project to help in arriving at sound decisions.

LgWSC Project consultant Tuber Maluma said among the equipment was ultrasonic metre for determining the flow measurement.

He said through the ultrasonic metre the company would easily know the amount of water being supplied and consumed by a certain township thereby making the employees strategically plan for the service.

Mr Maluma said through the same project an energy analyzer to determine the amount of energy consumed and served had also been purchased.

He said other equipment procured were microphone ground detector to help locate the pipes underground, potable metre to get the accuracy of the metre reading and 10 laptops that were being used for the implementation of the project.

“Under VEI we have procured a number of equipment which include the ultrasonic metre which we use to know the amount of  water demand of an area for example Lukanga township if you do not have metres you can use that equipment  to know the amount of consumption , you just put it at the entry point of that township for  instance is you supplying 100 cubic metre per hour you can know the amount you supply and what we bill them is that much and where is the other  water going, so this makes planning very easy,” Mr Maluma said.

He said unlike letting the water continue to be supplied without moving with the technology, under the VEI project everything would be made easy with the help of innovations.

Mr Maluma explained that the move would help gain confidence from potential donors who always wanted to help when those applying for funding were innovative and able to show what they had done besides the request.

He said that the equipment would now act as proof for any future endeavors while helping in decision making.

He said that the VEI project had also an important aspect to train employees of the company under TMT as a way of introducing them to the modern practices in managing the water utility company.

Mr Maluma said that the trainings were teller made training which had seen the board, managers and other employees of the company undergo some special  training for enhanced service provision.

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